Do you want to manage todo list with simple manner or sometimes in detail?
You can take advantage of both benefits with this awesome application..
With an intuitive UI , you can use it easily.
New concept of Todo check application!
You can manage your todo and also check others todo.
Key Features
To-do list is displayed in a variety of ways.
1. Complete time-based
2. Category (Group) based
- Caterories are automatically generated at first installation.
3. Priority (Low,Medium,High)based
4. Completion based
In simple manner
- You can manage todo list just input title of todo.
Sometimes in detailed manner
1. Description of todo item
2. Who is in charge for this item? (You can add person from contacts,add a new contact or from the VIP list)
3 Classification by category
4. Set the deadline and priority(Low,medium or high)
5. Syncing with calendar
The categories are customizable
- The basic categories are generated by default.
- You can edit(add,modify,delete) category.
Some icons for the cateogry are supported.
Frequently used contacts are added to VIP list and managable.
Simple and intuitive User Interface
Thank you for reading.
Please send us email, if you have any question or recommendation about this application.
email: [email protected]
Thanks for your all supports!